Online Media

Online Media

Displaying 2376 - 2400 of 2882

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  Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
The Emotions of God 10/31/10 The Emotions of God Fancher Jr., Wayne Sermon N/A Sun PM The_Emotions_Of_God.ppt The_Emotions_Of_God.doc _Date_10_31_2010_PM_The_Emotions_Of_God.mp3
The Eulogy of the Apostle Paul 10/24/10 The Eulogy of the Apostle Paul Fancher Jr., Wayne Sermon N/A Sun AM The_Eulogy_Of_The_Apostle_Paul.ppt The_Eulogy_Of_The_Apostle_Paul.doc _Date_10_24_2010_AM_The_Eulogy_of_the_Apostle_Paul.mp3
Going Forward Or Going Backwards 10/17/10 Going Forward Or Going Backwards Fancher Jr., Wayne Sermon N/A Sun AM Going_Forward_Or_Going_Backward.ppt Going_Forward_Or_Going_Backward.doc _Date_10_17_2010_AM_Going_Forward_Or_Going_Backward.mp3
How Serious Is God About What He  Says? 10/17/10 How Serious Is God About What He Says? Fancher Jr., Wayne Sermon N/A Sun PM How_Serious_Is_God_About_What_He_Says.doc _Date_10_17_2010_PM_How_Serious_Is_God_About_What_He_Says.mp3 How_Serious_Is_God_About_What_He_Says.ppt
Obedience By Faith, Not By Force 10/10/10 Obedience By Faith, Not By Force Fancher Jr., Wayne Sermon N/A Sun AM _Date_10_10_2010_AM_Obedience_By_Faith_Not_Force.mp3 Obedience_By_Faith.doc Obedience_By_Faith_Not_By_Force.ppt
Friends 10/10/10 Friends Fancher Jr., Wayne Sermon N/A Sun PM Friends.ppt Friends.doc _Date_10_10_2010_PM_Friends.mp3
Faithfulness & Trustworthiness 10/03/10 Faithfulness & Trustworthiness Fancher Jr., Wayne Sermon N/A Sun AM Trustworthy.doc Faithfulness_And_Trustworthiness.ppt 10-3-10_AM_Faithfulness_And_Trustworthiness.mp3
Lessons From Haggai 10/03/10 Lessons From Haggai Fancher Jr., Wayne Sermon N/A Sun PM Lessons_From_Haggai.ppt Lessons_From_Haggai.doc _Date_10_03_2010_PM_Lessons_From_Haggai.mp3
Overcoming Discouragement 09/26/10 Overcoming Discouragement Fancher Jr., Wayne Sermon N/A Sun AM Overcoming_Discouragement.ppt 9-26-10_AM_Overcoming_Discouragement.mp3 Overcoming_Discouragement.doc
The House Built On The Rock 09/05/10 The House Built On The Rock Fancher Jr., Wayne Sermon N/A Sun AM The_House_Built_On_The_Rock.ppt The_House_Built_On_The_Rock.doc 9-5-10_AM_The_House_Built_On_The_Rock.mp3
Lessons From Philemon 09/05/10 Lessons From Philemon Fancher Jr., Wayne Sermon N/A Sun PM Lessons_From_Philemon.ppt Lessons_From_Philemon.doc 9-5-10_PM_Lessons_From_Philemon.mp3
Establishing Scriptural Authority For  Our Actions In Religion 08/29/10 Establishing Scriptural Authority For Our Actions In Religion Fancher Jr., Wayne Sermon N/A Sun AM Establishing_Scriptural_Authority_For_Our_Actions_And_Beliefs_In_Christianity.doc Establishing_Scriptural_Authority_For_Our_Actions_And_Beliefs.ppt 8-29-10_AM_Establishing_Scriptural_Authority_For_Our_Actions_In_Religion.mp3
Not Everyone Who Says 'Lord, Lord' 08/22/10 Not Everyone Who Says 'Lord, Lord' Fancher Jr., Wayne Sermon N/A Sun AM Not_Everyone_who_says_Lord_Lord.ppt Not_Everyone_Who_Says_Lord_Lord.doc 8-22-10_AM_Not_Everyone_Who_Says_Lord_Lord.mp3
Avoiding The Fornication Trap 08/22/10 Avoiding The Fornication Trap Fancher Jr., Wayne Sermon N/A Sun PM Proverbs_7-Avoiding_The_Fornication_Trap.ppt Proverbs_7-Avoiding_The_Fornication_Trap.doc 8-22-10_PM_Avoiding_The_Fornication_Trap.mp3
Spiritual Agriculture 08/15/10 Spiritual Agriculture Fancher Jr., Wayne Sermon N/A Sun AM You_Shall_Know_Them_By_Their_Fruit.doc 8-15-10_AM_Spiritual_Agriculture.mp3 You_Shall_Know_Them_By_Their_Fruit.ppt
Life After Death 08/15/10 Life After Death Muffaletto, Jeffrey Sermon N/A Sun PM 8-15-10_PM_Life_After_Death.mp3
Prayer: Why?, How?, When? 08/08/10 Prayer: Why?, How?, When? Muffaletto, Jeffrey Sermon N/A Sun AM Prayer.ppt Prayer.doc 8-8-10_AM_Prayer.mp3
Knowledge Of The Holy One 08/08/10 Knowledge Of The Holy One Muffaletto, Jeffrey Sermon N/A Sun PM Knowledge_of_the_Holy_One.ppt Knowledge_of_the_Holy_One.doc 8-8-10_PM_Knowledge_of_the_Holy_One.mp3
The Lord Will Provide 08/04/10 The Lord Will Provide Fancher Jr., Wayne Sermon N/A Sun AM 4-4-10_AM_The_Lord_Will_Provide.mp3 The_Lord_Will_Provide2.ppt The_Lord_Will_Provide-2.doc
The Narrow Gate And The Difficult Way 07/25/10 The Narrow Gate And The Difficult Way Fancher Jr., Wayne Sermon N/A Sun AM The_Narrow_Gate_And_The_Difficult_Way.doc 7-25-10_AM_The_Narrow_Gate_And_The_Difficult_Way.mp3 The_Narrow_Gate_And_The_Difficult_Way.ppt
Seeking, Knocking, and Asking 07/18/10 Seeking, Knocking, and Asking Fancher Jr., Wayne Sermon N/A Sun AM Seeking_Knocking_Asking.ppt Seeking_Knocking_Asking.doc 7-18-10_AM_Seeking_Knocking_Asking.mp3
Can Good People Go To Hell? 07/18/10 Can Good People Go To Hell? Muffaletto, Jeffrey Sermon N/A Sun PM Can_Good_People_Go_To_Hell.ppt Can_Good_People_Go_To_Hell.doc 7-18-10_PM_Can_Good_People_Go_To_Hell.mp3
Do Not Cast Your Pearls Before Swine 07/11/10 Do Not Cast Your Pearls Before Swine Fancher Jr., Wayne Sermon N/A Sun AM Do_Not_Cast_Your_Pearls_Before_Swine.doc Do_Not_Cast_Your_Pearles_Before_Swine.ppt 7-11-10_AM_Do_Not_Cast_Your_Pearls_Before_Swine.mp3
Responsibilities In The Family of God 07/11/10 Responsibilities In The Family of God Muffaletto, Jeffrey Sermon N/A Sun PM 7-11-10_PM_Responsibilities_In_The_Family_of_God.mp3 Responsibilities_In_The_Family_of_God.doc
The Conflict Between Anger, Sorrow,  Worrying, Covetousness, and Peace 07/04/10 The Conflict Between Anger, Sorrow, Worrying, Covetousness, and Peace Fancher Jr., Wayne Sermon N/A Sun AM The_Conflict_Between_Anger_Sorrow_Worrying.ppt The_Conflict_Between_Anger_Sorrow_Fear_and_Peace.doc 7-4-10_AM_The_Conflict_Between_Anger_Sorrow_Worrying_Covetousness_And_Peace.mp3

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