Online Media

Online Media

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  Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
The Gospel of John - Class 7 01/28/24 The Gospel of John - Class 7 Emerson, Kris Bible Class The Gospel of John, Bible Class Sun Bible Study Gospel-of-John-Class7.mp3
Kingdom Fellowship in Worship 01/28/24 Kingdom Fellowship in Worship Emerson, Kris Sermon N/A Sun AM Kingdom_Fellowship_In_Worship.mp3
Gathered Power 01/28/24 Gathered Power Emerson, Luke Sermon N/A Sun PM Gathered-Power.mp3
Invitation 01/24/24 Invitation Rooks, Skyler Invitation Invitations Wed Bible Study Invitation_-_SkylerRooks-01-24-24.mp3
The Gospel of John - Class 6 01/24/24 The Gospel of John - Class 6 Emerson, Kris Bible Class The Gospel of John, Bible Class Wed Bible Study The_Gospel_of_John_-_Class_6.mp3
Job's Faithfulness: Hospitality 01/21/24 Job's Faithfulness: Hospitality Emerson, Kris Sermon N/A Sun PM JobsFaithfulness-Hospitality.mp3
The Gospel of John - Class 5 01/21/24 The Gospel of John - Class 5 Emerson, Kris Bible Class The Gospel of John, Bible Class Sun Bible Study The-Gospel-of-John_Class_5.mp3
The Cost of Discipleship 01/21/24 The Cost of Discipleship Emerson, Kris Sermon N/A Sun AM The_Cost_of_Discipleship.mp3
The Gospel of John - Class 4 01/17/24 The Gospel of John - Class 4 Emerson, Kris Bible Class The Gospel of John, Bible Class Wed Bible Study Gospel_of_John_-_Class_4.mp3
Invitation 01/17/24 Invitation Tate Penn Invitation Invitations Wed Bible Study Invitation-TatePenn-1-17-24.mp3
First Century Faith: Hospitality 01/14/24 First Century Faith: Hospitality Emerson, Kris Sermon N/A Sun AM 1st_Century_Faith-Hospitality.mp3
The Gospel of John - Class 3 01/14/24 The Gospel of John - Class 3 Emerson, Kris Bible Class The Gospel of John, Bible Class Sun Bible Study gospel-of-john-class3.mp3
Invitation 01/10/24 Invitation Tyler Dietzel Invitation Invitations Wed Bible Study invitation-tylerdietzel-01-11-24.mp3
The Gospel of John - Class 2 01/10/24 The Gospel of John - Class 2 Emerson, Kris Bible Class The Gospel of John, Bible Class Wed Bible Study TheGospelofJohn-Class2.mp3
The Gospel of John - Class 1 01/07/24 The Gospel of John - Class 1 Emerson, Kris Bible Class The Gospel of John, Bible Class Sun Bible Study TheGospelofJohn-Class1.mp3
ESM: Faith, Love, and Hope 01/07/24 ESM: Faith, Love, and Hope Emerson, Kris Sermon N/A Sun AM ESM-1.mp3
ESM: Practical Application 01/07/24 ESM: Practical Application Emerson, Kris Sermon N/A Sun PM ESM-2.mp3
House Rules - Class  26 01/03/24 House Rules - Class 26 Emerson, Kris Bible Class House Rules Bible Class Wed Bible Study House_Rules_-_Class_26.mp3
Invitation 01/03/24 Invitation Calvi Courtney Invitation Invitations Wed Bible Study Invitation-CalviCourtney1-3-24.mp3
House Rules - Class  25 12/31/23 House Rules - Class 25 Emerson, Kris Bible Class House Rules Bible Class Sun Bible Study House_Rules_-_Class_25.mp3
The Four-Square Christian 12/31/23 The Four-Square Christian Emerson, Kris Sermon N/A Sun AM The_Four-Square_Christian.mp3
Relating to Joseph & Jesus 12/31/23 Relating to Joseph & Jesus Emerson, Kris Sermon N/A Sun PM RelatingToJosephJesus.mp3
House Rules - Class 24 12/27/23 House Rules - Class 24 Emerson, Kris Bible Class House Rules Bible Class Wed Bible Study House_Rules_-_Class_24.mp3
Invitation 12/27/23 Invitation Emerson, Luke Invitation Invitations Wed Bible Study Invitation-LukeEmerson12-27-23.mp3
House Rules - Class  23 12/24/23 House Rules - Class 23 Emerson, Kris Bible Class House Rules Bible Class Sun Bible Study House_Rules_-_Class_23.mp3

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